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After months of testing .NET new core, the .Net core 3.0 release date was on September 23,2019
The new version includes a lot of new features and improvements that fit more developers' demands than the older 2.1 version!
So what's .NET team is giving us in the new current version.


.NET core now supports:
  • async streams (Allow an async method to return multiple values)
  • range/index (facilitate working with strings and arrays)
  • more patterns 
  • nullable reference types (a feature that helps avoid " NullReferenceException " error)

F# 4.5 :

.NET core now supports:
  • yield "expressions (the same role as IEnumerable.SelectMany " but allow more expressiveness )
  • LangVersion (preview feature)

Windows Apps:

NET core 3.0 supports Windows Forms and WPF framework (a UI framework to design desktop applications) but only for windows users.
According to the .NET team, the WPF designer is a part of the visual studio 2019 16.3 the windows forms design still in testing and there are rumors that it will be included in the next year's version of visual studio.

.NET & Docker:

.NET docker image is now a lot smaller (minimized SDK image) witch makes the .NET core more efficient with docker even with limited CPU or memory. 

IoT development:

using Raspberry Pi and ARM chips new features now developers can develop IoT applications that listen to sensors and display messages using the new GPIO APIS (General-purpose input/output) 

Performance enhancement:

In addition to the new features, the new core has a major performance improvement like the improvements made on the garbage collector that for now uses a lot much more of your computer memory and on the JSON APIs by redeveloping them from scratch using the UTF-8 instead of the UTF- 16 without forgetting to mention.

Additional information:

  • .NET core 3.0 available in the Red Hat applications stream with the RHEL 8
  •  You need to upgrade to the VS 2019 16.3 for windows users and the VS 8.3 for MAC users to be able to use the 3.0 .NET core
  • VS code users should update to the last version of C# extensions to be able to target the .NET 3.0 core 
  • .NET Core 3.0 isn't deployed in Azure App Service and Dev Ops yet 

Making all these improvements and including all those new is a piece of good news for every C#, F#, IoT and Examarin developer pending on what will the 3.1 core version, that will be released in 19/10/2019 according to .NET blog , came with which I think should be the perfect version because .NET are willing to keep it as the current version for the upcome 3 years.
So if you still using the 2.1 core make sure to download the new core and easily included it to the VS code since it's still easy and doesn't require much time to do it.

